2024 ~현재
* 혁신제품 지정(산업통상자원부): 서지모니터링 기능을 구비한 소방서지보호판넬
* 위험성평가 우수사업장 인정 (한국산업안전보건공단)
* 중소기업기술마켓 제품 인증(소방서지보호판넬)
(한국가스공사, 한국전력공사, 한국수력원자력, 5대 발전사)
* Designated as an innovative product: Branch breaker direct connection/installation type surge protector with easy operation and fault monitoring
* Designated as a specialized company for materials, materials, and equipment
* Designated as a Hi Seoul company
* As of the end of 2022, there are 11 registered patents and 17 designs related to surge protection technology and devices.
* Development of low-carbon surge protector directly connected SPD
* Development of disaster safety product fire department protection panel
* Development of surge monitoring device surge black box
* Surge protector KS certification (Class I, II)
* Selected as KEPCO Trusted Partner
* RAYCAP distributor agreement
* ISO9001 certified
* Certification as a technologically innovative small business (Inno-Biz)
* Venture business registration
* Establishment of a corporate research center
* Surge-Watcher new technology (NET) certification, selected as a product developed by 5 power generation companies
* HAKEL distributor agreement
* Establishment of Surge Free Co., Ltd., a surge protector specialist