1. Brain protection system (KS C IEC 62305
1.1 Lightning protection systems (LPS): Protecting a space against the effects of the brain
The entire system used for this This system consists of an exterior and an interior
1.2 External lightning protection system (External LPS): This system consists of an air-termination system, a down-conductor system and an earth termination system.
1.3 Internal LPS: Anything added to what is specified in the external LPS to reduce the electromagnetic effects of lightning current within the protection range, including shielding, equipotential isolators, surge protectors, and surge black boxes.
2. Equipotential bonding (KS C IEC 62305)
2.1 Equipotential bonding of power and communication equipment under general conditions
All conductors in a track must be bonded, directly or indirectly.
Charged conductors must be bonded to ground through a surge protector.
2.2 Equipotential bonding of external inlet equipment
External challenge section Power lines and communication lines are routed inside the building from one side near the ground surface.
are introduced and form an equipotential.